After Class

Posted by Morgan 02/05/2023 0 Comment(s) Bi-Sexual,Lesbian,Teacher/Student,

Summary: Student + Teacher = Good Grades?


I've never given much thought about my grades, I have more important things to focus on in my life. Like the trip to the Bahamas I'm leaving for in three days... a gift given to me when i turned eighteen a month ago... I'm caught in a daydream of sun, sand & my boyfriend rubbing sunscreen all over my body, when I'm rudely interrupted by a kick to my leg.

"Ow!" I glare at my best friend Ruby who just knocked me out of the perfect dream.

She's unapologetic as she says, "Pay attention, Ms Simmons is calling on students for answers!"

I roll my eyes and brush my blonde hair out of my face. I don't care what Ms Simmons is doing but I know Ruby does. She received a scholarship to our prestigious all girls academy and takes her grades very seriously for fear of failure. I respect that, but it's not something I needed to worry about. My parents donate a huge portion of funds to keep this school running, plus my mom and older sister are alumni.

While my parents aren't particularly involved in my life, especially since they know I can't be controlled the way they control my sister, they made me promise one thing: graduate with honours. No matter what it takes.

I've never been one to follow rules or ethics, I don't really care about much - except the plans I made with Josh after I graduate. That's the only thing my parents had to hang over my head and the only way I agreed to their promise.

So here I am simply riding out my last semester of senior year until I graduate and can take off with my boyfriend Josh and his band as they tour the country.


I jerk my head up at the call of my name, my pencil's eraser on the tip of my lip. I was drifting off again, English class is so boring I can hardly stand to pay attention.

"Yeah?" I look into the cold eyes of our English teacher, Ms Simmons. She's a cunt. Straight up. She's never liked me, never even gave me a chance. She's also the only teacher I couldn't persuade to give me above average grades without doing any heavy lifting. The rest were easy, money talks...

"What do you think Julius Caesar meant when he said, 'Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once.'" She smiles sweetly and almost deadly because she knows I have no fucking idea.

She's trying to embarrass me. Too bad for her, I really couldn't care less about Shakespeare or her fucking class, "Obviously he was onto something because I've died every time I have to sit through your lectures."


I was met with utter silence as my peers wide eyes looked directly at me, shocked written across their faces. No one talks like that to our teachers. This school is built on respect, so much so that they even have a uniform policy so that no one looks out of place.

I shrug and lean back in my seat, no one else has the balls to say what we were all thinking anyways.

Ruby's hand shoots straight into the air and I can tell by her face that she is appalled at my answer.

Ms Simmons is calm and collected, barely acknowledging my brutal words, she simply says, "See me after class, Sutton."

She nods at Ruby, and Ruby gives her have the answer she was looking for.

The rest of the class is hell. I'm too busy thinking about what a mess I've caused for myself. I couldn't hold my tongue back but now I've most likely ruined all my chances of even getting a passing grade in this class -- which I need.

Why couldn't I just suck up to her!

Simmons allows the rest of the class a silent work period at our desks as she begins writing a new assignment on the white board. I stare at her, unashamedly since her back is turned to the class. She wears the most hideous outfits. The students are required to wear uniforms but the staff aren't so I can't comprehend why she would choose to wear what she does.

Her long flowing skirt is made up of a floral pattern that my grandma would likely wear, at least she belted it with a tucked in camisole but she completely ruined it by adding a chunky cardigan over top. I wish I could give the woman fashion advice. She wasn't that much older than me, 26 perhaps? The youngest faculty member the academy currently has.

Her clothes are pretty much the only problem considering if she dressed decently she'd probably be a knockout. If I was in the makeover business I'd definitely approach her because her long brown hair has natural highlights but she keeps it tucked in a braid everyday.

I sit there judging all her flaws but I can't help the intrusive thought that pops into my head when she bends over to pick her pen off the ground... her ass is perfect, so round and not too big but definitely not small -- i certainly wouldn't be covering it with layers upon layers if I had a butt like that.

She stands, turning and locking eyes with me, her eyebrows raised slightly as she knows she caught me staring. I'm too much of an asshole to pretend I wasn't so I mimic her expression.

She returns to her desk and I'm forced to think about why the fuck I was even checking out her ass. I mean it's normal to experiment and question sexual orientation but I've been with plenty of guys and never felt the need to look twice at a girl. I've always been satisfied with dick, why complicate things?

The rest of class goes by agonizingly slow. As soon as the bell rings, determining the end of the day - my classmates are throwing themselves out the door. I'm filled with dread and something else, like excitement as I continue to sit at my desk in the back.

"Good luck." Says Ruby as she packs up her backpack with textbooks.

"I don't need luck." I say with a smirk.

"Sure but don't do anything to get yourself kicked out, you made a promise to your parents."

"Since when did you become my third parent?"

"I'm just trying to look out for you," she sighs.

"Thanks, but I'll be fine. I'll text you later and we can hang out!" I smile reassuringly. Ruby is always so worried about everything.

Once the whole class filters out of the classroom, I'm left alone. Except for Ms Simmons who is still seated as well.

Are we about to have a stare off?

"Come here," she gestures with her hand for me to come to the front desk.

I oblige because I'm now attempting to get on her good side. I really fucked up. Josh is counting on me to fulfil my promise so that we can spend all our time together.

"I was out of line for what I said." I internally groan because I hate apologizing.

She dismisses my comment and comes to stand around her desk leaning back on the front of it.

"You're failing." She says.

I assumed I was but hearing it out loud is a punch to the gut.

She crosses her arms across her chest.

"Okay but--."

"No buts," she cuts me off, "you never hand in assignments, you rarely show up for class and when you are here you don't participate."

All true. But it's never gotten me in trouble before. I always find my way out.

She continues, "I have half a mind to go to the principal and let him know that I think we should hold you back another year before you graduate."

"You can't do that!" I'm getting angry now, I won't let her get away with this. Who does she think she is? With only two months until graduation I'm so close to being free. "My parents basically keep this school running, if they find out about this you'll be out of a job faster than you can blink." If she's gonna threaten me I can do the same right back.

"Sutton, I can and I will. Your threats don't scare me but clearly mine scare you." Her face is hard as stone, emotionless. Who is this woman and where did she come from? I've never seen this side of her.

I resort to the one thing I cannot stand, begging. "I'll do anything, okay? I don't just need to pass, I need honours level grades. I'll pay you."

"I don't want your money," she slips off her cardigan and throws it onto the chair behind her desk.

"Well there has to be something." I shrug, I'm certainly at a loss by this point.

"Oh there is," she eyes me curiously which has me feeling a tad uneasy. Is she secretly a murderer? She steps toward me, we're inches apart and I'm preparing for the worst. Should I run and take my chances?

"What do you want" I ground out trying to remain my usual uncaring self.

She looks straight into my deep blue eyes and places her hand along my throat like a necklace, without ever breaking eye contact. I freeze, panic taking over me. She really is going to kill me. Jesus. How did I get into this position?!

She squeezes the sides of my throat and I close my eyes, preparing to die even though all my natural instincts are telling me to fight.

But before I understand what's happening she leans close and whispers in my ear, "You. It's you I want, Sutton."

Before I open my eyes, shocked and still confused, she's let go of me and walked to the classroom door, my hand instantly rubs at my throat even though it really doesn't hurt.

I watch as she locks the door and turns out the lights, there's a bit of sunlight streaming in from the blinds but we're also on the second story which means no ones looking in. What in the fuck is happening!

She saunters back to me slowly, without a care in the world. She's like a whole different woman and to be honest, I like it. I like that I don't know what to expect and that she's surprising me. It gets me excited.

What am I even saying? Jesus.

"Take off your uniform." She demands.

"What? No!"

She grabs a ruler from her desk and slaps my hand so fast and hard I didn't even see it coming, "what the fuck!" I cry out.

She's close to me again, now touching my cheek gently, stroking as she says, "Didn't you just say that you'll do anything to get on the honour roll?"

"Yes but--"

"Then do as I say, and you will get the grades you need." She bites her bottom lip as she puts her thumb directly in my mouth, my tongue instantly swirls around it as I nod, giving in.

"Good girl," she smirks. I watch as she steps backwards and lifts herself onto the desk, crossing her legs and leaning back, ready for a show.

This woman is psychotic... why is that turning me on?!?

"I have all night Sutton, but I'm getting anxious - so please, begin any time now." Her eyes turn sultry as she gestures to my uniform.

I decide quickly that even though this appears against my will, I'm low key into it and if I wanna have some fun I might as well put on a damn good show for this bitch. She's in for a treat.

I begin by loosening the tie around my neck, unbuttoning the white blouse and trailing my finger down my chest, slowly popping off more buttons down the length of my shirt.

I rip off my vest and the tie next, throwing the items directly at Ms Simmons, she catches them and holds them tightly, her gaze on my body.

I've never been more grateful that I wore my best lacey black bra, it pushes my tits up in a way that should be illegal.

I slowly inch the long sleeved blouse down my shoulders, exposing every inch of my perfect bra - almost completely nude on top. My long wavy hair falls over my shoulders and I toss it to my back as I tease her with my hands on the zipper of my skirt... I pretend to unzip but zip it back up and then pretend to pull it down from my hips but before anything is revealed I quickly pull it up.

I can tell this is driving her absolutely crazy by the way she's now gripping her desk as if trying to restrain herself. I want to see how far I can push her until she cracks. I have no idea how far she's willing to let this go but I can't deny how wet I am.

I turn around so that I'm no longer facing her, I bend over just enough for her to have a good look at the fact that I'm not wearing any underwear underneath my skirt. She's getting a full look at my ass and I'm sure a glimpse of my pussy too. I never understood why we were mandated to wear uniforms with such short skirts, it's like they wanted us to fuck each other.

Before I'm even turned around, she's on me, pressing her tits into my back and reaching to my front with her hands - rubbing up and down my arms. "What a dirty girl, not wearing any panties."

My breath hitches as she whispers in my ear and proceeds to kiss and suck on my neck. A small moan escapes me, "You love being a tease, don't you Sutton?"

She turns me around to face her, she's definitely lost control now, all I see is hunger and pure lust in her eyes - but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling the same way. I wanted this and there was no going back now.

I don't even know who made the first move but our mouths were locked in an instant, our lips colliding and moving together, her fingers running through my hair and my hands on her hips, pulling her closer. I didn't give a fuck about anything except for this woman touching me everywhere.

I was about to let this fire burn. She lit me up and now she would be the one to put me out.

As soon as she snuck her tongue into my mouth, I was almost pushed over the edge. We were only making out yet the tension and lust that had built was enough to make me come right then.

I reached behind and yanked on her braid, hard enough to let her know I was enjoying this and I wanted her to feel it. Then I tugged it again, letting her hair fall loose around her as I ran my fingers through unable to get enough.

"Ms Simm--" I moaned in her mouth.

She stopped me, "shh, call me Monica,"

I grinned against her lips. First name basis seemed appropriate given the situation.

Our lips were on each other's again, sucking and biting in turn and in one fluid motion, quicker than any guys been able to, she unhooked my bra with one hand and watched in awe as it fell.

I allowed it to fall to the ground, slipping through my arms, I didn't cover my chest - much too confident for that. She likes what she sees as I watch her lick her lips.

The cold air instantly hardens my nipples, she doesn't hesitate to flick them with her fingers and I toss my head back because this is torture - the absolute best kind of torture. The kind that I don't want to end and it's only beginning.

"God you have the most perfect tits." She mutters as she grabs them one in each hand and begins kneading. She ducks her head down and puts my nipple in her mouth, flicking it with her tongue as she squeezes my other nipple between two fingers, allowing me the sensation of slight pain with such sweet pleasure. She switches nipples, playing with my tits with her mouth.

I can't take this. I grab her face between my hands and drag her mouth back up to mine, kissing her like she's glue holding me together. It's full of passion I've never known and I don't hold back.

I tear down her camisole, uncaring if I rip it or not. Her bra is simple like her but in a beautiful way, I rip that down too not bothering to unclasp it. I need to see her. Now.

Her perky tits fall out, not as big as mine but perfect all the same. Her nipples are swollen and ready and I repay her favour by instantly putting them in my mouth and sucking. Her head tilts back as she moans, "ohh yess."

I hmm with delight that I'm making her feel as good as she's making me feel. She doesn't allow me the satisfaction for long, she strips out of her top and bra completely and I watch in awe as she bends to her knees in front of me.

Our uniforms don't mandate stockings and high heels But I prefer it to complete the look, it makes me feel sexy and I sure as fuck am glad for it right now.

She's appreciative of the stockings, she runs her hands up and down my thigh highs, she picks up one of my legs and places my foot on her knee. Bending her head she uses her teeth to tear down my stocking and I'm pretty sure my eyes roll to the back of my head. This is killing me. How sensual.

Once both stockings are fully off along with my heels, she pushes me back onto one of the student desks so that I'm sitting. She's still on her knees, holding my leg she begins to lick from my ankle to my knee and from my knee to my thigh and then her hand is pushing up my skirt to lay on my stomach, I hold it up.

She now has a clear view of my shaved pussy, soaking wet and ready. I want this so bad. She grins up at me like she can tell that I'm ready. I'm sure she can feel me shaking in anticipation.

"I'm going to eat your pretty pink pussy until you're begging me to stop, do you understand, Sutton?" She doesn't give me a chance to answer which is good because I'm stunned and way too hot for words --

She spreads both my thighs wide open and kisses her way up, when she gets to my opening, her tongue darts out and I feel her licking slowly and gently, taking her time while I squirm.

She begins picking up her pace, licking adding sucking, she finds my clit and bites down - shooting stars into my eyes. Holy mother fucking god I have never experienced this type of pleasure. Two of her fingers enter my soaking wet hole, she moves them around inside until she finds the perfect spot to stimulate my Gspot from the inside as well as sucking on the outside. I'm losing control, fast. I'm about to cum. "Monica, ugh.... Don't ... stop... please.." I beg. I know I'm begging and I don't give two shits.

"Mmm you like that baby?" She moans against my bare pussy, "You like my tongue in your pussy," her hot breath sending shivers up my body mixed with her dirty talk - it sends me over into one of the most earth shattering orgasms of my life.